Market Mentors

101. Series 4 | Episode 1. Reality of Job Searching as a Senior B2B Tech Marketer Today with Lisa Vecchio, Enterprise Marketing Director at

Matt Dodgson Season 4 Episode 1

What's it REALLY like to search for a senior marketing role in B2B tech today?

After leaving her company and looking for a job during the second half of 2024, Lisa Vecchio shares her story and insights on searching for a senior B2B marketing role in tech.

We discuss:

  • How good or bad is the job market?
  • Did you have a clear idea of what type of job you were looking for, or did it evolve?
  • How did you structure your day of job searching?
  • What channels worked best?
  • How important was candidate experience?
  • What were some of the red flags you encountered?
  • Final tips for job seekers.

And so much more..

Market Mentors is brought to you by Matt Dodgson, Co-Founder of Market Recruitment. Market Recruitment is a recruitment agency that connects B2B Tech & SaaS businesses with world class marketers to help them grow.

If you'd like to be a future guest on the Market Mentors podcast, you can apply here.