Market Mentors
Market Mentors
77. Series 2 | Episode 40. The Secret to Building a Successful Marketing Career, with Maya Grossman, Peak Performance Career Coach & 2x VP Marketing | Ex Google, Microsoft
Going to work every day, and working on your marketing career, are two very separate things. But it’s easy to become so consumed by your day job that you neglect your long-term ambitions and lose sight of what you want to achieve in the future. Thankfully, this week’s guest has a wealth of in-depth guidance to help you solve those challenges.
In this episode, Maya Grossman, Peak Performance Career Coach & 2x VP Marketing, provides a proven formula for taking control of your career and accelerating yourself on the journey towards success.
We cover;
- What it takes to achieve success in marketing, or your career in general
- Why so many people - who have great skills and are willing to work hard - stay stuck in their careers
- The first step to skyrocket your career
- What you can do to get closer to a 'goal job'
- Skills versus mindset, and what you can do to build confidence and resilience
- What people can do to eliminate or quieten imposter syndrome
- What you can do to consistently stay on track to achieve your career goals
- Maya's view on the core aspects that B2B Tech marketers need to master in order to succeed in their career
And so much more...
Market Mentors is brought to you by Matt Dodgson, Co-Founder of Market Recruitment. Market Recruitment is a recruitment agency that connects B2B Tech & SaaS businesses with top class marketers to help them grow.
If you'd like to be a future guest on the Market Mentors podcast you can apply here.
Market Mentors is brought to you by Matt Dodgson, Co-Founder of Market Recruitment. Market Recruitment is a recruitment agency that connects B2B Tech & SaaS businesses with world class marketers to help them grow.
If you'd like to be a future guest on the Market Mentors podcast, you can apply here.